
The world of Chronicle > D&D 5th Edition compatible > Races

Caun are a fey race resembling halflings or small half-elves. This may not be far from the truth as Caun are believed to be the product of a distant union between an elf and a leprechaun. Yet, in many ways they are very similar to Halflings.

Caun are known as travelers. They live a nomadic life, moving from town to town in small groups of one or two family units. They always camp outside of towns, preferably in a wooded area, where they can be closer to nature. Many Caun keep professions that allow them to be mobile such as tinker or cobbler. However, Caun are fey. They are a jovial, creative race and are given to pranks. This influences Caun into becoming performers, artists, and even thieves.

Thieving is, in part, a lingering trait of their leprechaun heritage. All Caun are obsessed with collecting. Each Caun has their own collection of a specific type of item of minimal value (pottery, dolls, bugs, etc.). They can't help seeking out unusual specimens for their collection and some even resort to theft to do so.

Physical Description. Caun rarely exceed 3 feet. Caun are colorful beings with hair and eyes of almost any color. Their skin tends to be fair to medium tone, but it may lean towards a warm reddish or cool greenish in tint. Their dress is usually simple but colorful. Most Caun make their own clothing and tend to repair it using whatever is handy, so mismatched patches are common.

Alignment. Most Caun are chaotic good. As a rule, they are good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in pain, and have no tolerance for oppression. They are free spirits, leading nomadic lives. Much of Caun tradition is passed orally and changes slightly with each generation.

Caun Traits

Fey Ancestry
You are of fey ancestry and as such have the fey type.

Feywild Shimmer
You can turn invisible per the Invisibility spell. This can not be used on anyone other than yourself. You can’t use this feature again until after you finish a long rest.

Caun Creativity
You are proficient with either one Artisan Tool or one Musical Instrument of your choice.

Caun Collecting
One of your Background personality traits is Collector.

Collector. Like all Caun, you are obsessed with collecting. You have your own collection of a specific type of item of minimal value (pottery, dolls, bugs, etc.). You are constantly seeking out unusual specimens for your collection.

A Caun Rogue

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